Saturday, August 22, 2020

Crafting & Executing Strategy Whole Foods

Creating and Executing Strategy Whole Foods Your Report will be assessed on the nature of your capacity to: 1. Suitable utilization of Executive Summary, Introduction and Conclusions 10 imprints †¢ Demonstrate capacity to fittingly catch key suggestions and review in an Executive Summary. Legitimate utilization of a prologue to catch the primary parts of the body of the report and a brief end. . Answers to the Questions Posed in Case Study/Presentation  50 imprints †¢ The body of the report ought to obviously address the inquiries presented for the situation study  †¢ The gathering introduction ought to adequately pass on the case and proposals in the arrangement of an outsider advisor introducing to the John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods. 3. Create Strategic Recommendations/Key Findings 10 denotes Your report ought to likewise address the vital proposals and additionally key discoveries recognized from answers to the five inquiries in the body of the report. 4. Uti lization of Appropriate charts/outlines/graphs 15 imprints †¢ Your report ought to use significant insights in charts, diagrams or charts to all the more adequately pass on the key focuses in the body of your report. 5. Connections to course readings and extra research 5  marks  ?Clearly refer to your work and distinguish in any event 2 separate sources with proper references or endnotes. ? Words that are not your own must be officially refered to. 6. Style and organization 10 imprints ? Compose a report that is sans mistake (spelling/language)  ? Compose a report that is compact (correspondence is clear and to the point)  ? Compose a report that is proficient (simple to peruse, precise in its substance)  ? The report ought not surpass 10 pages, twofold dispersed content in addition to outlines/charts

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