Monday, January 27, 2020

Art Deco and fashion

Art Deco and fashion ‘Fashion Signifies a change of time, a cultural turn, and (wo)men’s roles in a society.’ [Choose a period of time in history and use examples to discuss this statement. You can focus on a specific society in your discussion.] The Art Deco Movement and the influence of France on how it effected womens fashion during the early 20th century. Introduction Throughout history the field of fashion has gone through many changes which has been shown in society. This essay will explore the above statement and will be done by focussing in at a particular period of time which is the beginning of the twentieth century, just after the first World War. For this discussion the role of the Art Deco movement and the influence of France will be addressed to see whether fashion does in fact reflect changes in a society. This essay will begin by a brief overview of the Art Deco movement, exploring the influence of the Jazz Age, the impact of France and haute couture as well as World War Ones effect on the employment of women and see whether fashion reflected this new era. But first one needs to start by defining Art Deco. The Art Deco Movement Art Deco can be simply defined as a style ‘characterised by precise and boldly delineated geometric shapes and strong colours†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ The Art Deco movement 1909-1939 was a period of time which pushed through new developments in architecture, film, photography as well as fashion and textiles. Its influence permeated throughout society promoting a new aspirational lifestyle. In addition to this, the Art Deco movement coincided with World War One which took place 1914-1918. The combination of the war and the rise of the Art Deco movement continued to prove favourable to the fashion industry as peoples attitudes were more open to change. The Influence of Haute Couture On Women One of the examples of the Art Deco movement effecting attire of women was via fashion illustration and as a result the clothing magazines were gaining in popularity as beautiful publications to look at. Furthermore, entering the twentieth century meant that women felt more empowered to embrace new styles, important in pushing the boundaries further in clothing design. Haute Couture was a style which reflected this — led by France. Haute Couture is an expensive, made to measure, hand made way of making garments. It gained attraction and popularity of upper class women due to the new appeal of the Parisian fashion houses. The Parisian designers transformed the fashion scene away from the nineteenth century by designing easy to move tailored garments. The Art Deco scene and Haute couture inadvertently caused women’s dress to undergo a further radical change. Women were finally able to leave behind the restricting corsets and petticoats, this meant they were able to dress in less time and not need a help of a maid thus becoming more independent. This was because the designers were making garments which where slimmer with narrower silhouettes as well as flatter busts. Fashion designer Paul Poiret is one prominent example of the first Parisian fashion designer who excelled in haute couture by creating slimmer dresses therefore leaving behind the corset. Lussier, author of the book, Art Deco Fashion, talks about a collection Paul Poiret created in the early 1900’s when art deco interior was in demand, Lussier described the collection as a ‘harmonious passage towards the straighter silhouettes’ and then goes on to say it was a ‘revolution to fashion’. At the beginning of the century, as women were becoming more confident and empowered, they began to participate more in sporting activities. This created an additional demand for practical easy to move garments. Parisian designers experimented with functional designs and cuts. In France, as in Europe, horse riding became popular and the races became social events which meant that the upper class customers took this opportunity wear these styles. Furthermore, french haute couture houses sent models to races showcasing their clothes. The combination of the Art Deco movement and haute couture both originating in France influenced the rest of Europe and parts of the world to cement its reputation as the style capital which meant all women felt compelled to copy. World War One As World War one began in 1914 it interrupted fashion and stopped it from being the main focus for women. Although, it is said that the economy at the time effects fashion perhaps the economic hardships of the war helped keep the androgynous style in. The iconic french fashion designer Coco Chanel began designing during the war creating tailored outfits and comfortable styles which linked with the simpler looks of practical work wear making it more acceptable. Her designs were a sign of the times as more women began working, taking over the jobs of men who went to fight. Before the war in France at the start of the 20th century women where already joining the work force however when the war took place ‘female employment grew by 20%’[Online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 November 2014] As the Art Deco movement was a period of time which saw the great war, the war was a factor that brought significant changes to fashion when it ended. Women became competitive for jobs when men returned. They wanted to be noticed, therefore, they experimented with their appearance with the use of make up and hair styles. After the war, haute couture continued to rise due to the influence of French Vogue within it the promotion of the Parisian designers such as Coco Chanel, Jean Patou and Elsa Shiaparelli. These Parisian designers showcased casual easy movement sport clothing and ‘Chanel and Patou consistently championed the shorter length’ (Valerie , 19 pg, ). During the 1920’s, cosmetics and their new role in defining beauty, which Vogue encouraged, became all the rage amongst young women. The moon manicure was featured as something really daring and was quickly copied bringing nails to the focus like never before. Nail lacquer, mascara, and lipstick became popular ‘rouged lips, pencilled eyebrows and dangling ear-rings’ (Lanver, 1964, p12) To add to this they cut their hair which was also a dramatic change to women’s appearance, ‘The other thing that shocked elderly people was the zeal of the modern girl for cutting of her hair.’ This description was what consisted of the heavily made up look which was apart of the ‘flapper’ style which is going to be explored further below within the jazz age. The Jazz Age A new exciting music style of jazz which originated from America after the war which was quickly embraced by France and its Art Deco credentials in the twenties up to The Great Depression. This ‘Jazz Age’ added ‘a unique combination of exoticism and modernity, which was at the core of the art deco movement’ (Lussier, 2003, p1). At this time it was uncommon for women to wear short garments however the Jazz Age sparked a new age of young women where they adapted shorter lengths as well the heavily made up look. It marked a time for change for a new way of lifestyle which consisted of nightclubs, dance mania and general promiscuity. Although the Jazz Age stemmed from America it became popular within Europe due to it offering a new exciting way of life especially after the gloom of being in a war. The Jazz Age can be marked as the starting point for women socialising freely, a new trend for women emerged and they became known as the ‘Flappers’. The combination of the Jazz Age and the new styles of clothing coming from Haute Couture linked together to change women’s role in society. The unstructured shorter styles of dresses were perfect to the dancing styles they adopted such as the energetic ‘Charleston’ and the increased time required for socialising. Overall, there was a gene ral female emancipation. They ditched the elaborate up-do hairstyles and cut their hair short in blunt hair cuts. The notoriety of the flappers and their lifestyle transformed the idea of women into something modern that allowed them to be independent and have freedom. It was a dream that eventually trickled down to all woman at the time. Conclusion To conclude, the above statement is correct. It has been shown how fashion goes hand in hand with changes to circumstances in the society it is in. By focussing on one period of time and place — one can see how women’s fashion in the 20th century was affected by the Art Deco movement in the influence of forward thinking designers who took on the long thinner silhouettes reflecting the new interior and exterior trends emerging in France. It also addressed the need for women to move more freely particularly starting with the upper classes and the need for more women wanting to participate sporting activities. It in turn influenced corsetry doing away with the restrictive corsets. The unexpected turn of events of World War One allowed women to break away from the traditional role of a women by having to adopt the simpler and practical lines of the Haute Couture designs of dress which now became more mainstream to them. The Jazz Scene coming over from New York was embraced by France and resulted in the iconic Flappers who wore strong make up colours echoed in palates of Art Deco. Their shorter hairstyles and endorsement of the loose unstructured clothing had a knock one affect and was easily copied by the masses. By considering the above time period and looking over at the fashion at that time one can say that fashion does signify a change in time, women’s role and its culture. Bibliography -18 Changes For Women intro fashion illustration

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Antropologia de Lain Entralgo Segun sus Escritos :: Spanish Essays

RESUMEN: Se define como cuerpo a la totalidad de acciones, potencias, posibilidades, constituyentes...que al actuar como un todo integra las actividades que mediante el cuerpo somà ¡tico se realizan: la historia, la percepcià ³n, las emociones, la conducta, la amistad, el encuentro, y la relacià ³n mà ©dico enfermo. Se considera que el hombre esta vertido en la realidad, porque la versià ³n (desde el interior hacia afuera) es desde el cuerpo, por ser el hombre un ser de realidades, y por existir un mecanismo de versià ³n. La unidad psico-orgà ¡nica que constituye el hombre presenta varios momentos, unos constitutivos (basados en và ­a de fundamentacià ³n): estructural (sistema de notas psico-orgà ¡nicas), conducta (conducta humana) y personal, otros moduladores: eutà ­mico (salud) y el patolà ³gico (patologà ­a como afeccià ³n). El animal vive entre està ­mulos, mientras que el hombre al inteligir los està ­mulos los aprehende y los convierte er realidad. El mecanismo de la versià ³n es la aprehensià ³n sentiente de los està ­mulos y la inteleccià ³n de estos como reales. La persona se encuentra indigentemente arrojado en la realidad. Caracterizacià ³n del pensamiento lainiano. Laà ­n Entralgo nace en Urrea de Gaen (Teruel) en 1908, realizà ³ los estudios de Medicina y ejercià ³ como psiquiatra. Obtuvo la plaza de Catedrà ¡tico de Historia de la Medicina en la Universidad Complutense, donde ejercià ³ hasta 1978 (fecha en la que se jubilà ³). Nombrado Rector de la Universidad Complutense hasta 1956. Pertenece a las Academias de Medicina, Historia y Lengua Espaà ±ola. La antropologà ­a de Laà ­n depende del tema en concreto que se estudie, y esta basada fundamentalmente en el empirismo y en fenomenologà ­a de Merleau-Ponty. (1) Respecto a la mente humana establece una serie de teorà ­as desde el punto de vista sociolà ³gico, filosà ³fico y estructural. Dependiendo de donde parta en el estudio del hombre, es posible afirmar: La esencia del hombre esta constituida por el espà ­ritu, tal y como Max Scheller establece, (2) y que Laà ­n sigue con matizaciones. Parece inclinarse por admitir lo establecido por el pensamiento de Unamuno en el que existe alma, espà ­ritu y cuerpo, que originariamente tomà ³ de San Pablo, San Agustà ­n y Tertuliano. El hombre es capaz de simbolizacià ³n. Se determina que el hombre es capaz de utilizar los sà ­mbolos, tal y como establece Cassirer, (3) pero que en Laà ­n es mà ¡s amplio ya que afirma que no es sà ³lo Animal symbolicum, sino que es capaz de crear los sà ­mbolos (Animal symbolizans). El hombre es parte de la historia, basado inicialmente en los trabajos de Dilthey, (4) y de cuyo pensamiento llegarà ¡ a establecer Laà ­n que el hombre es desde su origen animal histà ³rico, pero que debido a ello, y por su conducta es tambien: animal racional, proyectivo o capaz de proyectar al futuro (animal proiectivum), creador (a.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The cause and effect of internet on the business

The internet, this great invention that leads our world these days, is taking a great place in our daily life. Social networks, blogs, and wikis is a few example of what the internet network include. In managerial perspectives, a lot of research found that the internet is the key role in business world. It has a lot of cause and effect on the strategies of the companies. It is the mean to the company for competing in the market, gaining competitive advantage in the mind of the customers, and organizing the company structure in general. Recent research reveals that, the increased number of employee in companies is lead to a great conflict in their task. So that, the first cause of using internet network inside the companies is to organize the employee task, making sure that everyone complete his/her job, and increased the degree of controlling the employee by their top managers. Companies can do all that by using work flow system leading by intranet connecting inside the company. Although, increased number of employee is one of the causes using internet in business, On the other hand, there are a lot of another causes justify using it. For example, increasing competition in market and the want of companies to be market leader is a great issue in new business world. The first cause of using internet in business is the increase of competition. It is one of the threats the make weak companies close. By applying internet inside firms, the managers will integrate the work of all its' employee. That will result in gaining competitive advantage, increase productivity of employee, and earn more profits. So that it will make the company that do this entire thing, one of the strongest company in the market. The second cause is information overload. Imagine that when any employee inside the company needs any information, he/she is search in large quantities of paper and files to find it. That's will cost the employee a lot of time and reduce the work and cycle time. So that, in new business world, using internet permits the employee inside the company to share information. This great advantage make the work faster, increase the cycle time that reflect in making the whole company integrate together and increase of employee satisfaction and happiness when doing their job. There is a lot of effect of applying internet in the business. The goal of any company when it enter the market is making profit and it can't achieve this goal without good management , following what is new in the business, and continuous improvement. It is the only way for competing in market these days. So that, when using the net, in addition of all that, the company will achieve its goals, serve its' customer, and gaining a profit the help it in capture the opportunities in the business environment and change it to a competitive advantage for it, In my opinion, without using the internet in the business world these days, no company can compete, no company can do its' job well. So that, a key role for success in job is to improve the work system inside the company, by using new technologies that help the business achieve the company big missions and goals.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Business Objectives that Are Used in HP and Cancer...

The business objectives that are used in HP and Cancer Research. The business objectives that are used in HP are growth objectives one of the vital objective is Profit; when I went opened the HP archive pdf file I found this objective. ‘To achieve sufficient profit to finance our company growth and to provide the resources we need to achieve our other corporate objectives’. From this objective HP most vial objective is profit as The Marketing Techniques used in HP are Growth strategies. Growth strategies are Strategy aimed at winning larger market share, even at the expense of short-term earnings. The Four broad growth strategies are diversification, product development, market penetration, and market development. Hewlett-Packard use’s diversification by introducing new products and services to new customers, HP introduced a new product into an area where it is familiar to the people you live there. Diversification is the act of introducing variety especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services is offered. HP also uses Product development to develop a new product to sell to existing customers, so if the customer buys a computer, HP might sell them an expansion pack that offers Anti-Virus up two years and then the customer has to pay for the software when the two years is up. Product development is improving an existing product or developing new kinds of products. Additionally HP also uses Market penetration as one of the Marketing techniques for growthShow MoreRelatedStay Fit Fitness Club Marketing Plan Analysis5389 Words   |  22 PagesMarketing strategy 8 3.1 Mission 9 3.2 Marketing Objectives 10 3.3 Financial Objectives 11 3.4 Target Markets 12 3.5 Positioning 13 3.6 Strategies 14 3.7 Marketing Mix 15 4.0 Controls 16 4.1 Implementation 17 4.2 Marketing Organization 18 4.3 Contingency Planning 18 5.0 Conclusion 19 6.0 References 20 Executive summary The marketing plan covers the organization Stay Fit situated in Hoffman estate. The privately owned business offers fitness services to its clientele. EconomicRead MoreMcdonald-a Sustainable Organization?2529 Words   |  11 Pages2008a) and almost 22% of boys and 27.5% of girls aged 2 to 15 were overweight (IASO, 2007). 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